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Co-creation workshops

Consultant led group discussions to understand any current challenges, who is affected by them and the potential means of overcoming them by applying business change or introducing technology. Any and all options are openly discussed and challenged with the main contenders highlighted for future consideration.

Ideation workshops

A consultant led process by which the main contenders for change (output of a co-creation workshop) are further developed by brainstorming, structured walkthrough, impact assessment and cost / benefit weighting.

Proof of concept definition

Taking the jointly agreed best contender for a solution. A method for proving the 'concept' is defined. A simple yet robust method of testing is identified with up to five key criteria that define success. Upon completion, if all criteria are satisfied then a scaled-up solution can be defined for future implementation and timescales established.

Infrastructure HLD

A high-level design will provide details of all primary components needed within the solution and the connectivity both internal and external to the solution. A brief description of each of the components and the quantities required will be provided as a high-level bill of materials.

Project management

Overall project management of multiple teams or a single team to achieve the stated goal of the project within the constraints of scope, time and budget already identified and documented.

Team leading

Leading a defined group of people working to achieve a common goal within the greater project. Managing and motivating the team, managing performance and identifying and solving issues as they arise.

Presentation preparation & delivery

Creation of a presentation for a decision-making group. The presentation will be based on notes and materials from the output of co-creation, ideation or proof of concept sessions. Delivery of the presentation will be aligned to the specific audience.

kognITive Consulting Ltd Registered No. 14773787 England.
Registered Office: 91 Lymington Bottom Road, Medstead, ALTON, Hampshire, United Kingdom, GU34 5EP
info@kognitive-consulting.com +44 (0)7376911974